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As soon as the waves of the North Atlantic closed over1) the stern2) of RMS Titanic on 15 April 1912, the myths began surrounding her design, construction and transatlantic voyage. The Titanic disaster today is a classic tale, a modern folk story, but like all folk stories our understanding of what really happened has been clouded by the way the disaster has been recounted over the years.


“Practically Unsinkable”


It was said that the builders and owners of Titanic claimed she was “unsinkable.” The claim actually made was that she was “practically unsinkable,” close enough, but nevertheless an unfortunate statement and one which would haunt both builder and owner for years.

Titanic, the largest vessel in the world when she entered service in 1912, was neither the finest nor the most technically advanced of her day. Size, seldom an indication that something is better, was the only record she held. The ships that Titanic, and her slightly older sister Olympic, were designed to compete with were the Cunard3) liners Lusitania and Mauretania, which entered service in 1907. Designed and built as record breakers, both held the coveted “Blue Riband4)” for the fastest Atlantic crossing. They were built principally from lessons learnt from advances in warship construction, but most importantly both were powered by steam turbines5) driving quadruple screws6), each fitted with a large balanced rudder7), making them faster than the competition and easier to manoeuvre8). This was a giant leap forward in marine engineering, comparable to the advances made in 1969 with the introduction of the Concorde supersonic aircraft9).

Titanic and Olympic should best be described as the 747s10) of their day. As huge people carriers, travelling at moderate speed, with space for large cargoes, they posed a great commercial threat to the smaller and more expensive-to-operate Cunarders.




Achilles Heel11)致命的弱点

Building ships this large led to inevitable compromises. Titanic, identical in almost every respect to her sister, adopted tried and trusted methods for her design and construction. No risks were taken with the choice of engines which were enlarged versions of the propulsion12) system first used experimentally in Laurentic13), another White Star liner, in 1909. The triple screw vessel had proved that two expansion engines14) feeding exhaust steam into a low pressure turbine were more economical than vessels using expansion engines or turbines alone.

Titanic’s hull15) and upper works were also enlarged versions of designs refined over several decades. Her stern, with its high graceful counter and long thin rudder, was an exact copy of an 18th-century sailing ship, wrought in steel, a perfect example of the lack of technical development. Compared with the rudder design of the Cunarders, Titanic’s was a fraction of the size. No account was made for advances in scale and little thought was given to how a ship, 852 feet in length, might turn in an emergency or avoid collision with an iceberg. This was Titanic’s Achilles heel.



Speed 航行速度

These design differences meant Titanic would never be able to challenge the speed or manoeuvrability of the Cunarders, but this did not matter. White Star had given up all thought of speed records more than a decade before, in 1899, with the introduction of Oceanic16), a ship given the title “Crowning Glory of the 19th Century.” It was justly deserved, for her interiors17) were the finest ever created by the Belfast shipbuilder of Harland & Wolff.

Speed plays a major part in the continuing story of Titanic. It is often said she was trying to make a record on her maiden voyage, attempting to arrive ahead of schedule in New York. Not true. Not all of Titanic’s boilers18) had been lit and besides this she was sailing on the longer southern route across the Atlantic in order to avoid the very threat which caused her eventual loss. Even if all boilers had been lit, her maximum speed was 21 knots19), a far cry from20) the 26 knots the Cunarders regularly recorded. Titanic did not attempt a full speed crossing because of the risk of potential engine damage, and her passengers would have been inconvenienced by arriving a day before their hotel or train bookings.



Allegations21) of Cowardice 对懦夫的指控

Joseph Bruce Ismay, chairman and managing director of the White Star Line, was a passenger on the ship. At the age of 39 he was also president of the International Mercantile Marine Company, a giant combine and owner-operator of several transatlantic business, at the head of which was White Star. The myths surrounding Ismay are many but almost all centre on allegations of his cowardice in escaping the sinking ship whilst fellow passengers, notably women and children, were left to fend for themselves22). The claims made at the time and repeated today were that he “saved his own skin23)” whilst others died.

In reality Ismay helped with loading and lowering several lifeboats and acquitted himself24) better than many of the crew and passengers. He only entered a lifeboat when it was actually being lowered and no other passengers were in the vicinity25). Some witnesses stated he was ordered into the lifeboat but, whatever happened, Lord Mersey said at the British enquiry into the loss of Titanic, “Had he not jumped in he would simply have added one more life, namely his own, to the number of those lost.”

Ismay’s fault was that he survived and as a consequence laid himself open to26) the high and somewhat dubious moral code of the US press. Almost universally condemned in America, when he finally arrived home he was cheered and applauded as he descended the gangway at Liverpool. The British press had treated the whole episode in a far less judgmental way.

In a second, more serious allegation, it was claimed he ordered Captain Edward J Smith, Titanic’s commander, to “make a record crossing” thus indirectly causing the collision with the iceberg. It is unlikely that an experienced shipmaster like Smith, on his last voyage before retirement and the highest paid commander in the mercantile27) marine, would defer to Ismay on matters of navigation. No firm evidence has ever come to light to suggest that Ismay in any way interfered with the navigation of Titanic and, other than talking with the various heads of departments on the ship, conducted himself like many other passengers. Yet the opposite image of him exists today.





Captain Smith 史密斯船长

The popular press expected men to die like heroes in 1912. After all Captain Smith had done just that, or had he? In a strange quirk28) of history the man directly responsible for the loss of Titanic is remembered as a hero, whilst the man who tried to save lives is labelled a coward.

Smith failed the passengers and crew of Titanic. He failed to heed ice warnings, did not slow his ship when ice was reported directly in his path and allowed lifeboats to leave the sinking ship partially filled, unnecessarily adding at least 500 names to the list of the dead.

But what organisation or individual was ultimately to blame? The British government’s Board of Trade allowed Titanic to sail with insufficient lifeboat accommodation. The government simply had not kept abreast of29) advances in marine engineering and based all life-saving regulations on ships up to 10,000 grt (gross registered tons) which were required to carry 16 lifeboats. Titanic was 46,329 grt. A ship designed to accommodate 3,511 passengers and crew was only required to provide lifeboat accommodation for 962. In fact, White Star provided her with four extra collapsible30) boats, increasing capacity to 1,178.

If Smith had not failed in his duty, all these lifeboats could have been loaded to their stated capacity in time, or even with many more, for the numbers reflected shipyard workers, not women and children. In the flat calm conditions that night, the first boat to leave Titanic’s side, with a capacity of 40, contained just 12 people.

Titanic, famous for that terrible disaster, today stands as a memorial to mankind’s over-confidence in technology and a reminder of how weak we are compared with the forces of nature.






1.close over:淹没

2.stern [stɜː(r)n] n. 船尾

3.Cunard:卡纳德航运公司,是由英国航运巨头塞缪尔·卡纳德(Samuel Cunard)创立的航运公司,北大西洋客运服务的领头羊之一,是白星航运公司的主要竞争对手之一。在19世纪70年代,该公司的发展逐渐落后于白星公司,为此该公司在英国政府的支持下研制出了后文提到的卢西塔尼亚号(Lusitania)和毛里塔尼亚号(Mauretania)邮船。

4.Blue Riband:蓝飘带奖,横渡大西洋客船的速度奖,是一个民间性质的奖项,颁发给横渡大西洋速度最快的邮船的一项荣誉称号。

5.steam turbine:蒸汽轮机,由一系列带有螺旋桨式桨叶的转盘组成。这样的蒸汽机比往复式蒸汽机要平稳。

6.quadruple screw:四螺旋桨

7.balanced rudder:平衡舵

8.manoeuvre [məˈnuːvə(r)] vt. 操纵

9.Concorde supersonic aircraft:协和式超音速飞机,由英国和法国联合研制,于1969年研制成功,并于1976年投入商业飞行,用于运营跨越大西洋的航线。该飞机设计采用了诸多新技术,对民航飞机的发展作出了很大的贡献。


11.Achilles heel:要害,弱点。据称,希腊神话中的阿喀琉斯(Achilles)除脚后跟外,其他部位刀枪不入,故人类用Achilles heel喻指“致命的弱点”。

12.propulsion [prəˈpʌlʃ(ə)n] n. 动力


14.expansion engine:往复式蒸汽机

15.hull [hʌl] n. 船体


17.interior [ɪnˈtɪəriə(r)] n. 室内布景

18.boiler [ˈbɔɪlə(r)] n. 锅炉

19.knot [nɒt] n. 节,速度单位,等于每小时1海里(约1.85公里)。

20.a far cry from:远不如……的

21.allegation [ˌæləˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n] n. (尤指无证据或有待证实的)指控,陈述,说法

22.fend for oneself:照料自己,独自生活

23.save one’s own skin:逃脱危险,免遭伤害

24.acquit oneself:使自己作出某种表现;使自己履行(或完成)

25.in the vicinity:在附近

26.lay oneself open to:使自己易遭攻击(指责等)

27.mercantile [ˈmɜː(r)kəntaɪl] adj. 商业的,与商业有关的

28.quirk [kwɜː(r)k] n. 讽刺,嘲弄

29.keep abreast of:了解……的最新进展情况

30.collapsible [kəˈlæpsəb(ə)l] adj. 可折叠成紧凑形状的,可套缩的

推荐访问:沉没 泰坦尼克号 揭秘 真相

