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作者:jkyxc 浏览数:

摘要:综合利用NCEP/NCAR的1°×1°全球同化数据系统分析资料、地面站点资料和多普勒雷达观测资料,对2015年11月10-13日湖南省的一次秋季强降水过程进行分析。结果表明,此次强降水过程是2015年秋季降水发生范围最广、持续时间最长的一次强降水过程,主要发生在湘南地区。乌拉尔山脊线加强,孟加拉湾低槽的东移,地面北部的高压加强,并且向西南方向扩展,使得冷空气不断补充南下到湘南地区,由于孟加拉湾的低压系统使得北部的高压不能迅速向西南移动,从而形成冷暖势力在湘南上空对峙,为暴雨的发生和维持提供了有利的环流背景;暴雨区位于低空急流轴的左前方,从孟加拉湾而来的西南暖湿气流与来自北方的冷空气在湘南交汇,形成持续稳定的辐合上升运动,为此次强降水的发生提供了水汽和动力条件,其中850 hPa的水汽是此次区域性暴雨的主要输送源;此次强降水主要还是以稳定性降水为主,与夏季典型暴雨明显的不稳定层结特征有所差异;能量锋区较强,锋前偏南风强盛,该暴雨过程表现为锋后降水,垂直螺旋度正值中心的变化对地面气旋中心的变化以及强降水的发生有较好的指示意义。


中圖分类号:P458.3 文献标识码:A


DOI:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.20.014 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):

Abstract: Based on NCEP/NCAR"s 1°×1° global assimilation data, systematic analysis data, ground station data and Doppler radar observation data, the autumn heavy rainfall process in Hunan on 10-13 November 2015 is analyzed. The results show that the heavy rainfall process is the most widespread and longest lasting heavy rainfall process in autumn 2015, mainly occurring in southern Hunan. Ural ridge strengthened eastward trough in the bay of Bengal, high ground north strengthened, and extended to the southwest, the continuous supply of cold air southward to the southern region, due to the low pressure system makes the pressure not north of the bay of Bengal to move rapidly from southwest, and the formation of air forces in Southern Hunan confrontation over the favorable circulation environment for the rainstorm occurrence and maintenance; The left front rainstorm area is located in the low level jet axis, southwest warm air from the bay of Bengal and the cold air from the north to South intersection, the formation provides moisture and dynamic conditions for convergence steady rise of the heavy rainfall,which 850 hPa is the main source of regional water vapor transport the rainfall; The heavy rainfall is mainly in stability,the characteristics of unstable stratification are different from those of typical summer rainstorms are different. The energy front area is stronger, and the front wind is stronger than the south wind. The rainstorm process is post frontal precipitation. The change of the positive helix center has a good indication for the change of the ground cyclone center and the occurrence of heavy rainfall.

Key words: autumn and winter rainstorm; genetic analysis; vertical helicity


推荐访问:湖南省 秋冬季 成因 暴雨 特征

