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作者:jkyxc 浏览数:




海商法; 水路货物运输; 法律适用

中图分类号: DF593

文献标志码: A

收稿日期: 2017-07-29

修回日期: 2017-11-01

基金项目: 交通运输部软科学研究项目(2013-322-810-040);上海海事大学研究生创新基金(2014ycx050)



Application of Chinese Maritime Code to domestic

carriage of goods by waterway


(School of Law, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China)


The application scope of the Chinese Maritime Code does not include the domestic carriage of goods by waterway, so the international carriage of goods by sea and the domestic carriage of goods by waterway are regulated by two different legal regimes. With the development of modern shipping industry, such a situation of “two legal regimes” results in problems in the field of law, theory and judicial practice. To solve the problems, the possibility of extending the Chinese Maritime Code’s application scope to the domestic carriage of goods by waterway is studied, combining the current situation of Chinese shipping market, judicial practice and the development trend of international shipping industry. It is suggested that the application scope of Chapter 4 in the Chinese Maritime Code be extended to the domestic carriage of goods by waterway(including coastal waterway and inland waterway). Considering the difference between the carriage of goods by inland waterway and the international carriage of goods by sea, it is suggested to add a section to regulate the carriage of goods by inland waterway, to revise the concept of ships listed in the third article of the general provisions of the Chinese Maritime Code, and to pay attention to the coordination between the revision and other related regulations.

Key words:

maritime code; carriage of goods by waterway; application of law

0 引 言


推荐访问:海商法 水路 货物运输 我国 国内

